The Daniel Calazans Foundation offers grants and awards to students aligned with our mission.

We have three modalities to recognize the efforts of the next generation who will break the stigma and find ways to address the mental health and substance use crisis in the United States. Learn more below and apply to one of them. Our first award program ceremony will be on August 6, 2023.

High-School Students: DCF will award students who create innovative campaigns using Instagram or TikTok to address the stigma of mental health and raise awareness of the dangers of the misuse of prescription pills. The top 10 of those who achieve the most engagement, including shares and likes, will each receive $1,000 to spend on whatever they want, and the Daniel Calazans Medal.

Undergraduate Students: We will also grant awards to undergraduates who create unique and compelling videos for YouTube about the triggers of anxiety. Our criteria to award the top 10 with the Daniel Calazans Medal and $5,000, will be the videos with the most viewers and likes.

Graduate Students: DCF will provide a grant to graduate students who focus their research and development on novel treatments and drugs that address the connection between mental health and substance abuse.